March is half over and that also makes 2014 almost 1/4 of the way done. Time sure seems to be moving along at a very fast pace these days as we get ready to celebrate our Granddaughters 1st birthday next month. Watching your Grand kids grow up from abroad really hits you every once in awhile but we continue to trust in our heavenly Father to guide us and take care of us here on Isla Mujeres. Since our big Christmas party, we have gone and handed out shoes with some very loving folks in a different area on the Island at some friends house. One of the photos shows a Mother with her 6 kids. 5 boys plus her baby girl and was she ever thankful for us being able to give all of them a new pair of shoes. Trying to get buy on 7-10 dollars a day as a family, that was a big load off of Mom and Dad and their budget. It is so great to see people get right in their and love on these little kids in a genuine fashion and they can't wait to come back next year and do it again. We just had some folks contact us here that are getting ready to head back up North for the summer and wanted us to come by and meet some other couples. Once there, they blessed us with money to go buy boys shoes and one of our new friends had done a painting of a place here on the Island which was bought and she gave us the money from the proceeds. Her desire is to paint and then take all the proceeds and donate it to charitable groups. Pretty neat stuff that is happening out their in this world and God keeps guiding folks our way to bless our efforts in His grand plan. Hoping everyone is ready for some warm springtime weather and that your year is starting off with a bang. Thanks to all
who are praying for us here and all who have supported our desire to love on these kids in the name of Jesus. Blessings from Greg and Natalie.
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