Friday, January 24, 2014


Greetings, as we head off into 2014 looking for new opportunities to love on the kids here and provide shoes for them.  Our annual Christmas party was over the top this year for the kids as God brought to us some pretty amazing donors to bless them with a party they are still talking about.   From folks that gave 1 pair, to the biggest of over 100 pairs, all of you totally rocked the hearts of the children we got to bless this year.  We were encouraged by a dear friend to plan and pray since we were not sure if we were going to have the party as of the 1st of December.  Usually we have plenty by then but our bank was almost empty of shoes and gifts.  Natalie shared on the internet and God did the rest.   Folks from all over started showing up with goodies for the party and by the time we got ready to go........ well the photos speak for themselves.  Our little house was wall to wall with gifts and shoes.   Riding back on the ferry yesterday, I saw a lady we know and chatted for awhile to get caught up with her life and events.  She shared that folks were talking about the party on the Island and the one thing that stood out to her was, for the first time, kids thought it was pretty cool to live in Guadalapana.  Cool to live in a tar paper shack community with no electricity and running water?  It brought tears to our eyes to think that a gift, a pair of shoes, and a hot meal would impact someone like that.  Skateboards,dolls,action figures, soccer balls, and a whole lot more were handed out to over 400 kids this year and you all made it possible by going the extra mile and supporting our ministry.  We returned from the party with many extra shoes and two days later were able to sit in our doorway and hand out shoes for 2.5 hours to the kids that are living here in our new neighborhood where we are renting now on Isla Mujeres.  We are praying already for next December and planning our next shoe drop soon.  God has been so good to us over the last 6 years and we are ready to jump into 2014 as He leads us to new feet and opportunities to share His greatness.  Thanks everyone for giving and helping us put a smile on so many faces over the years.  Blessings and may you go impact your world in 2014.

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